
Common Tooth Injuries in Sports

Man getting hit in the face by another man with a boxing glove

Many sports players believe that getting hurt is all part of the game. But this rite of passage can do some serious damage to your body, from your head to your toes. More importantly, many injuries can end up hurting your teeth. Most of the common tooth injuries in sports are far more common than people think.

Common Tooth Injuries in Sports

In fact, about 40% of all dental injuries that occur in the United States occur as a result of sports. Whether you are playing contact sports or you suffered a nasty fall while running, it is important to get your dental injury assessed as quickly as you can. Here’s what you need to know about tooth injuries in sports before you visit your dental office in DTLA.

Fractured Tooth Roots

Some dental injuries can make their way to the roots of your teeth. Some cracks start at the surface of your teeth where you chew and stretch down to the unseen parts of your tooth. In other cases, you may be suffering from a fractured root alone.

It can be difficult or even impossible to see your fractured roots without a proper examination and x-ray procedure. These invisible damages can quickly contribute to an infection, giving you a bigger problem on your hands. Make sure to visit your dental professional ASAP when you suffer from a dental injury.

Cracked Teeth

Physical contact sports can be dangerous to your sensitive teeth. Without wearing protective gear like a mouthguard, you put your teeth at risk of being permanently damaged.

Any physical blow or injury to the face can result in a cracked tooth. While cracked teeth are the most common tooth injury, treating them as quickly as possible is essential to prevent permanent damage or infection.

Symptoms of Cracked Teeth

Not all cracks are visible. You may not realize you are dealing with cracked teeth until you start to show certain symptoms. Be on the lookout for:

  • Pain in the mouth when eating and drinking
  • Sensitivity to cold and hot foods
  • Loss of sensation on the outside of the tooth
  • Sharp pain when biting or chewing

Cracked teeth can be difficult to diagnose on your own. Consul with an emergency dental professional to help you repair cracks and other types of damage before your symptoms get worse.


A tooth intrusion is what happens when a hard hit knocks your tooth back down into the jawbone. When you are born, all of your teeth are fully grown but resting under your gums. As you grow older, your teeth “erupt,” meaning they come out and grow into the position they are now in. If you are faced with physical injury to the face, your teeth might be pushed so hard that they go back down below the gums.

This is known as a tooth intrusion, and it can be a very painful experience. This physical trauma can shorten or damage your roots and cause irreversible injury to your entire tooth.

Get the Best Protection for Your Teeth – Invest in a Mouthguard Today!

If you plan on continuing your sports activities, but you want to prevent any of the above injuries from happening, it is essential that you invest in a mouthguard. These devices can be fitted to the shape of your teeth to provide a rubber buffer between your mouth and the outside world.

Studies show that mouthguards can make your teeth 60 times safer during sports than if you aren’t wearing anything. When you are hit in the face with a ball or someone’s foot, you no longer run the risk of suffering irreversible damage to your teeth.

Contact us today to learn about our individualized mouth and sports guards that can help you stay fit and active without risking too much damage. Learn more about your oral health options at Samaritan Dental Arts today!

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