How Does the Tooth Decay Process Work?
Many people don’t realize that maintaining our dental health is an important part of maintaining our overall health. Problems such as gum disease and tooth decay can have a greater impact than many fully realize. Read on to learn more about how tooth decay happens and how you can treat it.
For more information about tooth decay, dental hygiene, and more complex dental treatments from a dentist in Downtown Los Angeles, visit Samaritan Dental Arts.
What Exactly is Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay happens when the bacteria in the mouth produces acids that then eat away at the tooth itself. This is what causes cavities or literal holes in the tooth. If it remains untreated, this decay causes pain, infection and in extreme cases, tooth loss.
The tooth contains three layers. The center of the tooth contains blood vessels and nerves and is known as the pulp. The middle layer is known as dentin and the outer layer is called the enamel. If each layer is affected by the decay of these acids, the more severe the damage.
What are the Causes of Tooth Decay?
It’s not just bacteria that causes tooth decay. Food is also a culprit. Plaque is always forming on your teeth and gums. This clear, sticky plaque contains the bacteria that feed on the sugars in the foods we all love to it. As the bacteria feeds on these sugars, the acids form and attach the teeth for 20 minutes or more after you eat. As time goes on, the acids destroy that outer layer of enamel which causes the tooth to decay.
There are some factors that can make you more susceptible to tooth decay. Make sure you do the following to avoid the harmful effects of tooth decay.
• Brush and floss your teeth regularly and see your dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups.
• Avoid foods high in sugar and other carbohydrates which will feed on the bacteria in your mouth.
• Make sure you get enough fluoride which helps to prevent decay by making teeth more resistant to the acids that produce plaque. Fluoride is added to most public water.
• Avoid dry mouth which can be caused by some medications or by simply breathing through your mouth. Make sure you have enough saliva to help wash the food and harmful sugars from your mouth which helps to protect your teeth.
• Avoid smoking or using other tobacco products.
Common in Children
It isn’t just adults that avoid the dentist who suffer from tooth decay. Children are also susceptible to tooth decay and are actually more likely than adults to suffer from it. The minerals in a child’s teeth are not as strong as an adult and aren’t able to fight off those destructive acids. Babies can also suffer tooth decay if left with a bottle in their mouth as they fall asleep. The sugars from milk and juice can cause a great deal of damage.
How is it Treated?
Treatment will often depend on the severity of the decay. If caught early before a cavity has formed, decay can often be stopped by brushing with a good fluoride toothpaste or with fluoride treatments. However, if the decay has eaten its way through that enamel layer of the tooth, you may need to get a filling if a cavity has formed. Once your dentist removes the decay, they will fill the hole and restore the tooth to its original shape.
If the decay is severe, your dentist may need to give you a crown, or replacement for the damaged part of the tooth. If that first layer of the tooth, the pulp, is infected, your dentist may need to perform a root canal to actually remove the diseased pulp of the tooth. If the root of the tooth is beyond repair, your dentist will need to extract the tooth and replace it with a bridge or an implant.
There are a couple of home remedy options but they don’t take the place of seeing your dentist regularly. If you have pain and swelling, you can use ice packs on your cheeks for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, several times a day. Do not use heat. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
Dentist in Downtown Los Angeles
The best way to prevent tooth decay is to see your dentist for regular checkups and brush your teeth twice a day with a good fluoride toothpaste. If you are looking for a dentist in Downtown Los Angeles, you can schedule an appointment at Samaritan Dental Arts. We are open on Saturdays and you can make an appointment by visiting You can also fill out the necessary forms, meet the team of professionals and view a complete list of services. Don’t take your dental health for granted. Make your appointment today.